Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Bears... Oh my

What an interesting day I had today. I taught my students how to sew. Many of them never had the opportunity to sew before. They learned how to cut out a pattern, 5 different hand stitches and how to sew on the sewing machine. It has been a wonderful and fun time.
I picked out a very simple pattern. There were only four pieces involved and they took it from there. I loved seeing their faces when they learned something new and realized they could do it! It was great!
We hope to donate many of the bears to the local hospital for the children. I think the little bears might make them smile. I hope so.
When I went to purchase the pattern, materials and notions, I really couldn't afford such an expense. Now, I find I couldn't afford not to do such a thing. I'm glad and I know sixty young people who are too.
Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

St. Catherine of Siena

I went to mass tonight. The priest spoke of St. Catherine of Siena. I attended St. Catherine of Siena School as a child. When I was going to school you went to one school from kindergarten through eighth grade. You graduated and went to high school. You graduated and went to college. From there things were optional. You could go to work or continue on with your education.

My days at St. Catherine of Siena were wonderful. Even though I wore a uniform from head to toe from kindergarten through my senior year of high school, I still had a great time in school. I loved the people I went to school with and the stern nuns. They were never nasty or mean, just very stern. I am glad today for their attention to detail and discipline. Do you think we need more of that today? I'll leave that alone for now.

Second Life has several Catholic churches. Here is one I visited tonight. St. John Vianney Roman Catholic Church. I enjoyed myself and it was a wonderful place to meditate. It too has rules, so don't go there unless you plan to adhere to the rules and be respectful.

I hope you go and continue to....

Enjoy Life!

St. Catherine of Siena

Doctor of the Church
Feastday: April 29

Patron Fire prevention1347 - 1380
St. Catherine of Siena

Doctor of the Church

The 25th child of a wool dyer in northern Italy, St. Catherine started having mystical experiences when she was only 6, seeing guardian angels as clearly as the people they protected. She became a Dominican tertiary when she was 16, and continued to have visions of Christ, Mary, and the saints. St. Catherine was one of the most brilliant theological minds of her day, although she never had any formal education. She persuaded the Pope to go back to Rome from Avignon, in 1377, and when she died she was endeavoring to heal the Great Western Schism. In 1375 Our Lord give her the Stigmata, which was visible only after her death. Her spiritual director was Blessed Raymond of Capua. St, Catherine's letters, and a treatise called "a dialogue" are considered among the most brilliant writings in the history of the Catholic Church. She died when she was only 33, and her body was found incorrupt in 1430.

Back Cover of The Adventures of Viv Writer

Well, here are two ideas for the back cover. I got a million ideas. It's fun creating! Real life calls so I'll have to put my ideas on hold for a bit. Thank you so much for the feedback. I will continue to add more ideas and you continue to email me. It is appreciated!

Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thanks for the love

Thanks for all the emails! I'll never get to all of you individually right away so I thought I would thank you on my blog.
I am feeling much better since the car accident. No, I was not driving at the time. My husband was driving and he feels awful about it too. We are all fine now. Your emails were very kind and made me feel good. Again thanks and much love to you all.


Prairie Dogs

I went for a walk today in Second Life on the sim of Julia Hathor. It is always a treat to go there. She is really talented beyond words.... really. Anyway, I saw the most adorable prairie dogs. I couldn't believe how cute they were. They were animated too. How cute is that?
It reminded me of a family trip we took a few years back. My husband, daughter, her friend, and I traveled west to Mount Rushmore or as my daughter says, "The four big heads".
We stopped along the way and had a lovely time. We actually saw the prairie dogs and Julia has done a fabulous job capturing them in her artwork.
You have done a GREAT job Julia. Second to none in Second Life.
Creative Fantasy Home & Garden , Serenity Falls (48, 43, 21) Falls/75/42/23/?title=Serenity Falls
Enjoy Life!

Go Tamara!

I was glad to hear Tamra sing in Second Life this past weekend. What a wonderful voice. She is a Broadway performer and is currently working on a new show but took time stream in a show for us. She was in great voice and everyone of us had a great time.
She sang songs from her album and I loved everyone of them. There was one song that was so beautiful that it made us all weep. It was called, "Always and Only You".
If you would like to listen to it here is the web address:
Thanks Tamara!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Front Cover of my new book

The pictures above are not meant to be the cover of my new book but I just wanted you to see this fabulous place I found. Isn't it lovely? The whole sim is great and the prices are incredible. The designer is Koshari Mahana. I hope you go. You will enjoy it:)
Four Winds, + Four Winds + Victorian Houses and Medieval Buildings, Calraige (85, 55, 24)

I am in the process of creating the front and back cover of my new book. The two above are meant to be for the front cover. I will post some ideas for my back cover later. I'm still working on those. I would love to know what you think. Email me at:
I love creating!

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I love it!!

Today I spent quality time with my daughter. At this age she likes to hear stories about what she was like when she was a baby. She wants to know the funny things she did and said. Lucky for me, when she was born I kept a daily journal. I was very meticulous about it for several reasons but I'm glad I did start one. I can remember those days like it was yesterday and now we both can look back and laugh. I have a daughter who is very much like her mommy and daddy. She too....

Enjoys Life!

Thank you for being a Friend!

Oh my, what a sad day. I never knew the actress, Bea Authur but I know her work and we share the same birthday, May 13th. Her body of work speaks for itself and the huge number of awards just puts the exclamation point at the end of the sentence that says she was one of the best.
I have seen much of her work but the sitcom Golden Girls is my favorite television sitcom. The writing was wonderful but the acting ensemble made that collaborative effort one of my all time favorites.
Bea Arthur characters were well played (Dorothy and Maude) and they were people you wouldn't mind being friends with in real life. She was a wonderful actress and I am glad her body of work remains here for us.
Bea Authur.... Thank you for being a friend.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sweet Dreams

It is almost time for bed and my mind is racing with a million things. I have been struck by the imagination bug. I love when this happens. I have so many ideas. It all begins with, "What if....?"
I do dream work on some ideas and in the morning I see my vision even clearer. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to exercise my imagination.
As a child I was allowed to dream and when I told them my dreams they didn't look at me like I was crazy. They allowed me my time to dream. As an adult I allow my daughter the same opportunity to dream. Who knows? Maybe they will come true for her.

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

An Accident

We were in a car accident today. It was very very scary. I am still alive but I will need to take it easy for the next few days. Even with all of that I am very grateful to be able to function. It didn't have to end that way but it did. God is good..... all the time.

Enjoy Life

Love Is.....

"Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."
--Paul in I Corinthians 13:4-7

"Love does no wrong to a neighbor; love therefore is the fulfillment of the law."
--Paul in Romans 13:10

May you find what love is and enjoy it.

Enjoy Life!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Give Voice

I am reminded again and again why I enjoy the online game, Second Life. The creative freedom I am given and allowed is reason enough but my work, however you want to judge it, is the voice of my feelings. We all need an outlet. I am blessed to have several but right now I enjoy Second Life because it allows me to express and stretch. Where else could I be 8 again.? Hell, I don't remember being 8 the first time.

Anyway, I love bringing my thoughts and ideas to the table and sharing with other artists. This online game is full of voices expressing themselves. I am happy to be among the ranks.

I was very pleased for Susan Boyle and I hope her voice continues to touch others. She has a great deal to share and I hope she is afforded the opportunity to do so.

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I See The Signs

Well, I am a bit distracted at the moment with loads of other projects but I will get back to The Adventures of Viv Writer. In fact, today I worked on the sign I want to hang on the building. It is so difficult to work on just one project at a time. I really do like juggling several different things. I know I must get back to Nana's Noshes because I have the story ready to go. I just need to get it down on paper. It's up in the air now but in just a minute it will be completed. Then there is the matter of Episode Three..... hmmmm. Truly, that is another story.

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This is a lovely public domain book I found. I have had a great time making it available for the readers in Second Life. It is a lovely tale no matter how old you are. It is wonderful also if you are looking at historical content in images. It really is a wonderful read and the images are priceless. Makes me want to pack a bag. Actually I don't need any excuse to pack a bag and get away.
Enjoy Life!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I had a happy Easter! It was a beautiful day and I hope your day was beautiful too. This season brings new meaning for me each year it comes around. It's amazing how the years create more wisdom. The more I learn, the more realize, the more I have the learn.
Eggs are just one symbol of the season. I wish I could have seen more rocks. You may not get that but maybe someone will. It's all about the rock.

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just Playing....again

I had a great day. I spent a great deal of it sleeping but I did have time to have fun! I added a trowel to my gardening animation. That was fun. I played around with creating several scenes and taking pictures too. I really do enjoy the process of creating a picture book.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Personalized Shopping Bags

I still have not finished exploring the many uses for personalized bags. I think this is a good vehicle to give my short stories, The Adventures of Viv Writer. When you visit the online game, Second Life, visit my shop and get your copies of my short stories for free. I'll see ya there. Island/194/88/37/?title=Book Island

I love these little shopping bags. I have had such fun personalizing them. I have made them gift bags for friends. They seem to like them too.
Enjoy Life!

What is Second Life?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Few Hours Away...

Today was a good day. I went to another animation class in the online game Second Life. I learned some more great things. Thanks to those talented teachers.

I began doing more animations. I created a few baby doll animations. I hope to use them when doing the graphics for the children's book I am writing.

Oh, I made an awesome friend today. Most people I meet are great and my new friend is talented, funny and very generous. Cheers to you!

After being behind the computer, I decided I wanted some time out by the water. It calms me and soothes the spirit. So we loaded up the family and headed out. We always have a great time as a family. I took some pics and hope you enjoy. May I suggest you too go out and....
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Greetings to all my sorors. I've had a wonderful day and I hope you have too.

Friday, April 3, 2009

In the Peaceful Gardens

I love it here! Thanks for such a wonderful place to go and reflect. Falls/88/66/22/?title=Serenity

My Dollhouse

It was another productive day in Second Life. I created a wonderful animation for the dollhouse. The doll house comes with a beautiful animation but I decided I wanted to create one as well. It was fun.

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lights Out

I can't tell you how relaxing it is for me to sit and create. Even though I don't always like what I create, the process itself is great. Today, I began work on an animation for turning off a light. Why? I have no idea. It was something I dreamed up and just because I could, I created it. Now that is what I call freedom!
Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Serenity Gardens

It was really beautiful today. I went to visit Julia today in her Serenity Gardens. It was absolutely gorgeous as always. I made a gardening animation last night and it fit so well in her garden. I think I'll finish the animation by adding picking flowers. I just have so much fun creating animations.
The colors of the flowers were really wonderful. Julia is such a natural artist. Thanks for sharing your talent with the Second Life residents.
Enjoy Life