Well, you know I am taking this magazine writing class. For an assignment we were asked to write several query letters. This is my first magazine writing class so I did the assignment but submitted it with a great deal of fear. Imagine my shock when the professor had this to say about my query letters:
Viv, I think you've knocked this one out of the park. You've got two entirely different articles on the same basic topic, and that's efficient writing at its best. Plus, your query letters are spot-on. I think you could send both of these out at the same time, the first one to general-interest magazines, and the second one to business and financial magazines.
Nice job, my dear. No nudges for you except to blast these out.
Now That Felt Good! It makes me happy and encourages me to move to the next step. You see, you never know until you try. Wish me luck and I hope you will go out and try things you really want to do too.
Enjoy Life!