Feels so good to be me today. The more things change the more they seem the same. That's not an original statement but true for me today. I had to get new glasses. The style of them remind me of my mothers glasses from days of old.
I'm at that age, I suppose, when I need to pay more attention to my eye sight. Actually, you should pay attention to your eyesight at every age. I didn't want to go to the eye doctor because I knew my sight had changed. It wasn't the worse thing in the world. Indeed, I left the office with a new pair of glasses and I see better than ever. That feels GREAT!! I kept singing, "A Whole New World". It really is. I can see so much more now.
It's a good thing to get your eyes checked every two years. It's amazing how much your vision can change in rather a short period of time. I was also told to get my young daughters eyes checked yearly. That was done too.
It feels good to get caught up. I suppose I can check that off my list, move on to...
Enjoy Life!