This is probably one of my most favorite songs. I love the versions sung by Barbara Streisand and if the truth be told, I have no idea what it is about.
I do have several ideas but my ideas don't seem to have a central theme. The song then becomes, random. It's a random song that I love and have loved since I was very young.
I recently saw a video where Barbara didn't seem to know what the song was about either. I don't feel so bad now.
Lines like, "My poor mother worked the mines". Really? That is a stoney end.
"Cradle me. Mama, cradle me again." Ummm, that is a nice, comforting thought but with her in the mines and all, probably not likely.
Then there is the title, "Stoney End". Not to be confused with the "pointy end". Ummm, again I come up with maybe rocks on a road. Maybe someone is lost and really wants to start the journey again?
Wait a tick, drugs! That's it! They are on drugs and want to turn their life around. No wait. The cradle me part leads me to believe they want to start all over again. Oh, wait, not so impossible. They can be reborn on the other end. The not so stoney end.
Okay, I'm done. I feel like I am on the stoney end writing this.
It's a great song. It helps me to....
Enjoy Life!!