Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thanks for the love

Thanks for all the emails! I'll never get to all of you individually right away so I thought I would thank you on my blog.
I am feeling much better since the car accident. No, I was not driving at the time. My husband was driving and he feels awful about it too. We are all fine now. Your emails were very kind and made me feel good. Again thanks and much love to you all.


Prairie Dogs

I went for a walk today in Second Life on the sim of Julia Hathor. It is always a treat to go there. She is really talented beyond words.... really. Anyway, I saw the most adorable prairie dogs. I couldn't believe how cute they were. They were animated too. How cute is that?
It reminded me of a family trip we took a few years back. My husband, daughter, her friend, and I traveled west to Mount Rushmore or as my daughter says, "The four big heads".
We stopped along the way and had a lovely time. We actually saw the prairie dogs and Julia has done a fabulous job capturing them in her artwork.
You have done a GREAT job Julia. Second to none in Second Life.
Creative Fantasy Home & Garden , Serenity Falls (48, 43, 21)
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Serenity Falls/75/42/23/?title=Serenity Falls
Enjoy Life!

Go Tamara!

I was glad to hear Tamra sing in Second Life this past weekend. What a wonderful voice. She is a Broadway performer and is currently working on a new show but took time stream in a show for us. She was in great voice and everyone of us had a great time.
She sang songs from her album and I loved everyone of them. There was one song that was so beautiful that it made us all weep. It was called, "Always and Only You".
If you would like to listen to it here is the web address: http://www.tamrahayden.com/main.shtml
Thanks Tamara!