Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summers End

Well, I've had a terrific summer. While it's coming to an end I must say this summer has been one of the best summers I've ever had. I have spent the entire summer surrounded by water and loved ones. I can't believe how much fun and laughter has been given to me in such a short period of time. For that I am truly grateful.

I suppose one of the highlights this year was shopping with close friends. We had a lovely time going to antique shops, thrift shops, and flea markets. What was I looking for? I am always looking for things that will make others smile. If I saw a little cat pin that would make someone smile for even a second, I purchased it and gave it to them. You simply can't put a price tag on seeing your friends happy. I know, I need help, I've been told that before, but I'm not convinced it's me who needs the help:) What are we here for but to make life easier for others.

I enjoyed seeing "things of old". Believe it or not it made me appreciate the things we have today. What older generations did to survive is mind boggling for many of us to consider today. For example, an "out house". After someone told me what that was I was extremely disgusted but I also had questions as to how that worked. I kick myself now for asking because now I know and it ain't pretty. It did however, make me more grateful for indoor plumbing.

Farming is hard work. It really takes special people to run and operate farms. The more I learned about the process the wider my eyes got. I didn't know the work involved in keeping a farm going. I'm more than sure that many of you reading this blog depend on the hands of a farmer for the food you eat.

It was funny to hear the young grandson of a farmer say, "I don't eat these eggs. I eat the ones from the store".

Enjoy Life!

Still Writing