Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, Monday

Happy Monday! Is there really a such thing as a Happy Monday? If there is, I had one today. I hope you had one too. Here's hoping Tuesday has wonderful things planned for us.

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend at the lake

I had a lovely weekend at the lake. It was peaceful and a great time to unwind from the weeks excitement.

I am always glad to have time to spend with me. I celebrate my time with a magazine and a cup of good tea. I could look off onto the lake and think of nothing but pleasant thoughts and be consumed.
Reality comes crashing in with a phone call or the cries of hungry children wanting to be fed. Don't get me wrong, I love caring for my family as well but I think we should all have some "me time".
At the lake, where only my family can locate me, I enjoy the peaceful moments before I begin another week.
Umm, how many more of these weekends until next summer? Well, until then I'll enjoy the weekends at the lake.
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Everything's coming up ROSES

In the online game, Second Life, there is a rose contest going on. I went by to see them and they were lovely. In general all of the contestants put their best foot forward. I must say however, that my opinion was greatly biased. I think the best roses were made by my dear friend and great artist, Julia Hathor. She had two entries. One entry was for a single rose and the second was for a rosebush. Both of Julia's entries were the best and I voted for hers. I hope she wins!
If you are in the online game I hope you have the opportunity to see them.
Enjoy Life!

Friday, August 28, 2009

The party is over

I learned new tricks in the InDesign class. Unfortunately, this was the last class. I hope to continue taking classes. The next one I want to take is Illustrator.
The adobe family of software is very expensive but this is a situation where you get what you pay for. The creative suites are well worth the money and I highly recommend taking a class to figure out how they work.
When I first received my software, I played with it. There was some entertainment value in that. I still play with it. When I took my first class, however, there were all sorts of rockets in air. It was like the pieces that I learned on my own came together. I could see how they fit and why adobe did this or that.
I had always heard it was powerful software but now I know why they say that and now I have to agree.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Reading

I went to hear someone else read their work today. It was a beautiful place and very relaxing. A reading in the garden. Doesn't that sound great? Well, maybe when you visit the online game of Second Life you will find time to hang out in the gardens and listen to someone read from their book.
What was interesting was the gardens were made by my dear friend, Julia Hathor. She really does have wonderful supporters. They know good work when they see it too. Salute Julia!
Enjoy Life!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Just thinking.... again

My husband is a wonderful man and I need to listen to him more often. He reads everything I write and has never said an unkind word. He has only been supportive of the little projects I come up with.
I have been writing the next episode and really painted myself into a corner. I shouldn't be surprised because my husband told me that would happen last week. I told him, "Naw, it'll work out". He was right and I was really wrong. What makes him so wonderful was that he didn't say, "I told you so". He gave suggestions and tried to comfort my fall. I am so blessed to have him.
I will put my work down for a few days and come back to it. I need some time to think. Once I do that I'll come back to it. Well, I should know this routine by now.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to work

It's that time again. I am grateful to have a job and that I was able to have a vacation too. I go back rested and with my tank on full.
The good news is, I love the Fall and hope to go apple picking in the mountains. Speaking of the mountains, I hope to spend a great deal of time wandering about the mountain watching the leaves change. I think it is a marvelous time of year. Then again, I think all seasons are beautiful.
Enjoy Life!

What 's for lunch?

What's for lunch? Well, today its' steak. I use a special seasoning. My husband loves it. I wouldn't even tell him:) Anyway, he will enjoy this. I hope you have a lovely lunch today too.

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Have a nice day!

Have a nice day.
Have a nice day.
Don't let the devil take your joy away.
Sunshine or rain,
God's still the same.
Have a nice day in the Lord.

I love that song. Ever since I was introduced to it oh so many years ago. It speaks to me in this way. You should not let others take your joy away from you. It's not theirs to take. It's yours to share with others as you choose.

I find that when some see you enjoying yourself there is a bit of envy and they want what you have. The funny thing is, they have the same joy and they just don't know it. Don't give your joy away. Maybe you can share yours with them and help them find their joy, but please don't let others take your joy away.
Enjoy Life!

Friday, August 21, 2009

A quiet moment

I just love a quiet moment to reflect. I find a spot somewhere and do just that everyday. It's wonderful. I don't always write about my reflections. Sometimes I just let the events of the day wash over me. At the end of the day, I must say, I'm always grateful for the days end and the people that came my way. The good, the bad, and the unusual all continue to shape this process we call life.

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When We Wed

I am working on my next episode, "When We Wed". It is an easy write because I love writing romantic stories. I hope you have the opportunity to read it. Tell me what you think.

Enjoy Life

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Caledon on Sea

I was reading my copy of Primgraph and saw a place called, Caledon on Sea. I just had to visit and I did. It was absolutely lovely. I had a wonderful time exploring. If you have the opportunity to go I suggest you do. The view from anywhere on the sim is beautiful.
Enjoy Life!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


My artist drew this for me. I am soooo proud. Just wanted to share my joy with you.

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


OMG! I had great fun today. I went sculpty shopping in the online game of Second Life. I only discovered sculptys a short while ago. They are like puzzle pieces to me. You put them together and you get some object, like a dresser or desk. I have several sculpty sets and I can spend hours just putting them together.
What I didn't know until recently, was that people purchase these sculpty sets and once they put them together, texture them, and script them, they sell them. Ummm, that is not art to me but to each his own.
I was so disappointed to find that out. It was like finding out the artist is not really an artist but someone who sells someone else's art work. In any case, I'm sure I am the only one who feels that way.
Today I purchased a few more sets to play with. There are a few, true artist, who make the sculptys, I enjoy. One such artist is Victoria. I always have a grand time when I'm there. I must feature her in my "Fabulous Artists" blog. I hadn't been to her place in a while and she has been hard at work. She sells lovely full perm sculptys for all those who sell textured/scripted sculptys.
Well, I gotta go play now. I hope you go and....

Enjoy Life

Friday, August 14, 2009

In Love

In the episode, entitled, In Love, Viv Writer finds herself in love with Arden. She had been living behind a shield which served to protect her from the love of others. Somehow, Arden penetrated the shield, which was no small feat.
Admitting her feeling to Arden was bitter sweet. I hope you have the opportunity to read this episode. It was a delight to write.

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Gardens

The Lazy Gardens. What a wonderful way to spend a summer day.

Jumping dolphins and birds flying were simply wonderful to see.
Not to worry. I think the bear is harmless.

Oh, what a beautiful work of art. Julia Hathor is simply the best at what she does. She has created wonderful lazy gardens on her sim. I enjoyed sitting among her artwork and enjoying all of the well thought out gardens she created. You really are taken away, swept away in this fantasy. I have seen none that can match her creativity.
All I can say is, "Wow!"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My InDesign

Well, you know I am taking the InDesign class. I have to tell ya, it ain't easy for me. I am still learning. It just takes me a bit longer to get it but I will. I do know that the more you work with it the better you will do. I learned Photoshop first so that was a good thing but I am constantly looking for the Photoshop menu. Even though InDesign is an adobe software, there are many differences. There are so many uses for InDesign so it is just as powerful as Photoshop. The possibilities are endless.

Tell me what ya think of my poster, I love hearing from you.

Enjoy Life!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Spending time....

I stepped away from my writing process for a short while today to clear my head. I spent time cleaning my house and surprisingly it cleared my head too. I am back to writing and I feel new and improved.
Summer is coming to close but the artists in the online game of Second Life are busy creating lovely summer items. I have to share some from my favorite artist and dear friend, Julia Hathor. Stay tuned for my next blog entry.

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Farmers Market

Well, I went to the Farmers Market today and I stopped by the barn too. It was a fun adventure overall. I tell you, the artists in the online game of Second Life continue to amaze me with the use of their imagination.

I laid under a tall tree and listened to the lovely farm sounds. There were mostly chicken and eggs in the area I went. I loved the big tractor. Very well built. The artist was Punky Pugilist. Cheers Punky!

I saw chicken and what looked like turkeys too. They spoke and asked for food. They asked specifically for fresh sionChicken food. They even told you where to purchase it. It looked like a chicken and clucked like a chicken. I suppose it is the best Second Life chicken there is.

Maybe you would like to go. The name of the sim is Indulge. Go and...

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summers End

Well, I've had a terrific summer. While it's coming to an end I must say this summer has been one of the best summers I've ever had. I have spent the entire summer surrounded by water and loved ones. I can't believe how much fun and laughter has been given to me in such a short period of time. For that I am truly grateful.

I suppose one of the highlights this year was shopping with close friends. We had a lovely time going to antique shops, thrift shops, and flea markets. What was I looking for? I am always looking for things that will make others smile. If I saw a little cat pin that would make someone smile for even a second, I purchased it and gave it to them. You simply can't put a price tag on seeing your friends happy. I know, I need help, I've been told that before, but I'm not convinced it's me who needs the help:) What are we here for but to make life easier for others.

I enjoyed seeing "things of old". Believe it or not it made me appreciate the things we have today. What older generations did to survive is mind boggling for many of us to consider today. For example, an "out house". After someone told me what that was I was extremely disgusted but I also had questions as to how that worked. I kick myself now for asking because now I know and it ain't pretty. It did however, make me more grateful for indoor plumbing.

Farming is hard work. It really takes special people to run and operate farms. The more I learned about the process the wider my eyes got. I didn't know the work involved in keeping a farm going. I'm more than sure that many of you reading this blog depend on the hands of a farmer for the food you eat.

It was funny to hear the young grandson of a farmer say, "I don't eat these eggs. I eat the ones from the store".

Enjoy Life!

Still Writing

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Welcome Home

Welcome home American journalists released from North Korea after 4 and 1/2 months.
Thank you former President Bill Clinton for going to get them.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I love the potbelly stove. I don't think I would like to cook on it but I appreciate those who did. The hard working artists in the online game of Second Life have come up with some lovely potbelly stoves. Here are just a couple that I ran across. I know there are plenty more. Just sign in and search "potbelly stoves". You too will enjoy the beauty of this vintage object.

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I love finding little nooks to curl up in and read and write. Today I found the perfect little nook. The designer created caravans/vardos and when you go into this unsuspecting, low key caravan/ vardo, you will be shocked, as I was. The beautiful textures grabbed my attention. They were a bit gothic to me and I don't generally like too much of that but the designer made it work for me. The designer is Misserie Dejavu and one of Second Life's kind residents.

I really enjoyed the loft in the corner of the caravan. It reminded me of a loft I had while in college. The bed is situated on top while an office area is directly under it. On the desk there is a quill, soda with a red straw, and other such goodies to explore. Simply lovely.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cast Iron Pan

I found a wonderful cast iron pan in the online game of Second Life. I also found a cast iron pot and it was huge. I love cast iron pots and pans and I am learning more and more about their origin.

So far I have read that cast iron pots originated in China. I also learned that if you are iron deficient and if you have no other health issues, cast iron pots might be a great health benefit for you. I would check with a doctor to make sure it was good for you. Anyway, I continue to look for cast iron pots and pans in Real Life.

I actually saw a cast iron waffle maker. I saw it at a flea market but passed on it. Maybe I should have purchased it. Well, if the cast iron waffle maker is still at the flea market next week, I will purchase it.