Sunday, December 26, 2010

This is one of my favorite songs. This song makes me smile and my heart sing. I suffer with a romantic heart. I am blessed to be in a marriage that I can wake up every morning and say to my dear husband, "Love is you". It's a wonderful feeling and this is the reason I....

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

This has been a wonderful holiday season. I have been around lovely and fun people for which I am truly grateful. I do have so much to be merry about. I only hope that I have given more joy than I have received. I do believe it is a season of giving and joy. I also believe it shouldn't end with Christmas day. Maybe instead it should be the beginning and we renew it every year. How about that?
I know for many this time of year is stressful and there are bad feelings in the air. That is truly unfortunate as I believe the holidays symbolize the opposite of that. We all know it but sometimes don't execute it in our thoughts, words, or deeds. Well, I'm not going to get up on a box or anything but I would like to just say to those who feel stressed or anything bad, go be still. In your stillness find a peace that you enjoy. Go forward with that positive peace. In just moments you will....
Enjoy Life!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Too Cute

This has got to be one of the best presents I have ever gotten in the online game of Second Life. My dear friend, Julia Hathor, gave a group of us a wonderful present. Each year she gives the group a present and they are without fail great creations. This year, however, she has out done herself. These "Love Prairie Dogs" are just adorable. The animation is perfect. In the animation he holds mistletoe over her head and gives her a cute holiday kiss. I've always raved at how wonderful Julia is as an artist and designer. This gift that she gives just continues to make my point.
Julia, if you read this today, thank you so much for taking the time to think of your friends and thank you for sharing your true, unmatched talent. You are truly someone who helps others....

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It must have been

Let's kick off the season with a wonderful song I enjoy hearing every year.

I went to visit my dear friend, Julia Hathor. Her winter, holiday sim is the very best EVER! I feel wonderful that I have been able to enjoy her work for the past couple of years. I am always happy to visit her sims but the winter sim really trips my trigger. She has the best skating. I feel like a world class skater, well, in the online game of Second Life. I can dream can't I?

Anyway, I have said time and again what a talented artist Julia Hathor is. She has never failed to bring such wonderful design and artistry to all of us who visit her sims.

You are the best Julia, hands down!

Go visit and you too will....

Enjoy Life!

The Holidays are Coming

Yes, the holidays are just around the corner. I have been planning the big dinner in my head for a little while now. I suppose it's time to actually "do" something now.
I'm not really looking forward to the holidays this year but ready or not, here they come. I was not always able to relate to those who didn't look forward to such a lovely time of year but now I can. I am going to try very hard not to fall into the "black hole" that could only lead to bad news. To keep myself up, I plan to do things that please me and my family. What makes me happy is baking cookies. So, if you have any great cookie receipes please send them. Just know that when you send them you put a smile on my face. I try every receipe that comes my way. Now, they don't all turn out well but I give it my best shot. Sometimes they actually turn out well.
Here's hoping for the best so that I will ....
Enjoy Life!

The Enchanted Cottage

This is ONE of my all time favorite movies. Here is just a clip of the movie. One day I hope to own the dvd.

When I first saw this movie I feel instantly in love with the characters and the theme. It is a brilliant story and I hope you have the opportunity to one day experience it. They simply don't make movies like this anymore. Too bad really. On the bright side we have this so let's celebrate and ....

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Singing to the Moon

This is a beautiful song by Matraca Berg. I was introduced to it in 2008. As I was writing an episode of, The Adventures of Viv Writer, this song popped in my head. It was very inspirational. It just seemed to capture the mood and tone of the episode. If you get an opportunity to visit the online game of Second Life, drop by my shop and pick up an episode or two of, The Adventures of Viv Writer. They are a joy to write and writing them helps me to relax and....

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Shari should have won Sunday's Best years ago. She did win first runner up which is something wonderful to be proud of.Her album is well worth a listen and if you can, purchase the cd. The message is powerful and is carried on the wings of a powerful voice.I listen and it helped me know I can ....

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


This is one of my favorite production numbers. I saw the original on Broadway with Ben Vereen. I was amazed! He amazed me!

It was not until years later that I would see him again in a one man show. It was amazing! He amazed me.... again.

What happen to production numbers like this? Do answer that. I actually know the answer.

I like to look back at this video. It makes me smile and helps me ....

Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Raven Hollow

Well, it's Sunday night again and guess what? I have to work in the morning.

Many others are off because of Columbus Day but not me. I have to work. Oh well, I'll remember this when I have two months off for the summer.

I dropped in on my friend, Julia, today. She has such great sims. Because it's the month Halloween is celebrated I just knew Raven Hollow would be the place to go. I was right. It's as spooky as ever!

I love it here. It's Elegant Fright:) The birds in the trees remind me of the movie, The Birds. Remember that one? The houses Julia builds in the online game of Second Life are so wonderful that I wish she could build one like this one for me in real life. She gives such attention to detail. I have seen others try but they really do pale in comparison.

Well, I have been inspired by Raven Hollow so I must go and create! I love creating. It just makes me ....

Enjoy Life!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another Week

It's been another interesting week. It didn't start off great and to be honest, I've been through better Fridays but anytime I have time to spend with my family and "be still", I'm happy.
It's early in the a.m. and I am up, while my family is enjoying a peaceful rest.
I took a nap when I got home so I'm up and ready to go.
I ventured into my favorite online game, Second Life. What is great about Second Life is that my friends from all over the world are up and ready to spend time with me. We chat and have a grand ole time.
As someone once said, "It's 5 o'clock somewhere".
I continue to write and create in rl and in sl. I really do have a great time and it is not uncommon for me to feel guilty for the joy I feel. I get over that and continue to have fun. I think I really enjoy shopping for creative crafty things. Since coupons have come into my life I have this idea in my head that every store should offer coupons. I really don't like shopping without coupons. When you purchase something for 50% off, you just feel GREAT! I do!
Anyway, I'm gonna work on some boxes tonight. I'll take some pictures and show you. I think I might put them in my etsy store as kits. I simply love boxes, tags, and cards.
Go make something great and ....
Enjoy Life!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Just another one of those Mondays

Hey everyone! It has been one of those strange Mondays. What is really eerie is that I felt it coming on. I had a restless night and didn't think it would be a good day.
As I am writing this, I think, well, maybe it was not a good day for me because I didn't get a good nights rest. Hmmmm. Could be?
Anyway, it was a long day filled with problems I had to solve. I hadn't had one of these days in a while and I must say, I could do without another.
I can't say I ever really liked Mondays but I never really dreaded them either. Now, we have meetings on Mondays. That is a real drag as we work all day and and then sit down to a meeting. How fresh can your brain be?
While I am venting, I must say in the same breathe that I am still grateful to have a job that I do enjoy. I am so very happy to do a job I love to do and can do.
It's alright to vent but a reality check is also in order too.
I have really enjoyed escaping to my virtual online game, Second Life. I really enjoy my friends and love when we share stories and experiences with each other. It's a great place and I would highly suggest it to only those who can handle virtual worlds. There are many virtual worlds to choose from. Second Life was the one I was introduced to and probably the only reason I stay there is because I was first introduced to that world. Many of my friends are not only in Second Life but they are in another virtual online game called, InWorldz.
To me they are extremely similar. I have set myself up in a proper shop in Second Life and really don't feel a need to venture into other worlds right now but who knows, maybe I will feel differently later on today or tonight.
Anyway, I enjoy the whole premise of virtual worlds and the good they provide for creative artists and people who just want to talk to other people and share experiences. Now to me that is diversity!
I hope your Monday was better than mine and that you continue to....
Enjoy Life!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It has been awhile...

Well, yes it has been awhile since I have blogged a thing or two.

I have been doing a load of things. From creating mini albums to playing with my bags, tags, boxes and more.

I have had loads of fun "doing" things. I can't say, however, that any of this has benefited anyone but me. How very selfish of me right? Sorry:(

Anyway, the Fall Season is upon us here and I love the look as the leave change colors.

Are we rejoicing in the death of the leaves because the spring will bring us new life.

I think it is wonderful that we celebrate all the seasons. Especially if you consider not everyone can celebrate all the seasons. There are some who only have one, maybe two.

As it is, we don't have much of a winter where I live but it is just enough of it to get ones attention.

As far as my writing, I have had much success with this and if I am not anything else, I must say I am persistent. Maybe, I just enjoy writing and that's where the fuel is.

What fuels your engines? Find out what it is and give your engine a great dose of it,"do your thing" and....

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Silver Fox

I had so much fun creating this video clip. I love editting and creating in this medium. I'm still learning but each step has been fun. I hope you enjoy this clip and I hope you continue to ....

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


"Now that's a deep subject", my good friend would say.
Today, is hot and most of the visitors around the lake have gone home. We still have a few and it's great to see and hear the children having fun.
I am a great believer that no matter what, kids will find fun. They have such great imaginations when undisturbed.
I have been using my inner child to create so much this summer. I am currently working on several theatre scripts at the same time. It's WONDERFUL!!
It's always fun trying to keep up with my own ideas:)
Anyway, I am on a bow kick now. I have made so many hair bows that I had to force myself to stop.
I also have a puzzle mini album I am creating and will put up in my Etsy shop soon.
My Etsy shop is doing better than I expected. There are several of you out there that enjoy my "Onesie" chipboard mini albums. I think I will make some "Onesie" card baby announcements. I actually saw some in Wal-mart yesterday and thought, I could make that a bit better. We'll see.
Well, back to my work and fun. I suppose I will go play in some oil, canola oil that is. I am going to try and make some fried potatoes. This dish has been very difficult for me to master. It's fairly simple. Actually it's SIMPLE. I just can't perfect it. It's either to greasy or too dark, or just not good. I want to make the perfect golden potato discs.
I am armed with a new 5lb bag of russet potatoes and a great cutting knife so here I go again. If I get this right I will....

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Well, I am here at the lake and we are having a wonderful time celebrating the 4th of July!
The celebration really began Friday and continues today.
I have several wonderful neighbors here and one in particular is a great cook.
She shared this recipe with me and it turned out great! This speaks volumes for me because while I can read, the dish does not always come out the way it should.
Anyway, this dish came out great and I was tickled pink about it.
You simply combine all of the above ingredients in a big pot and let it cook. Let's see now, the ingredients include, chicken breast, in a can, Texas Pete Wing Sauce, cream cheese, and blue cheese dress dressing. It's easy peasy:)
Put everything in one pot. I start with the cream cheese and move on from there. Once everything is in the pot and is melted and hot, it's ready. There is one very important thing to remember. Do not add the liquid from the cans of chicken breast. If you do, your dish will be "runny". This is easy to resolve if it does happen to you. You can do one of two things or both if you prefer. You can let it cook longer, so the extra liquid cooks out or you can add more chicken breast meat so it won't be so runny
Have a wonderful 4th and....

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I can't believe it's July! Oh my, please don't let the summer go so fast.
Many of my friends are preparing for the Christmas Holidays. I know it makes sense but it just seems to rush things a bit much for me.
I am watching old Maude episodes. I really think they are funny. The writing is sooo good.
I am going to hop on over to the online game of Second Life. It's just something that make me....

Enjoy Life!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's a beautiful day and believe it or not it's not HOT. I love it when there is a balmy breeze.
I love to open the window and let the breath of air blow through.
I spent a large part of the day looking out of my window at the beautiful water.
The other part of the day was spent editing my work. I am so bad at editing. It takes so much out of me to get things down on paper. When I get it out, it is so refreshing but when I read back through it, it's not exactly what I had in mind. Has that ever happened to you?
Anyway, enough time has passed that I can look at it with "new eyes" and pick up on things that need to be reworked and/or added.
I add all kinds of notes to myself. I got tickled at one note I left myself, several months ago. It said, "Fix this".
Well, I must make a quick run to the store to get more ink.
Let the days breathe of air blow over you so you can....

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lazy Days of Hot Summer

I had an awesome day today and I have nothing to show for it. I slept late because I was up late. I have no idea of what is going on in the world as I have nooooo television or radio. I do have the Internet but I have chosen to stay away from all things negative today.
I have created wonderful crafts for Children's Church, my mini albums, and last but certainly not least, The Adventures of Viv Writer.
My adventures went to a lovely place today. I must be the most romantic person I know. I love being in love, I love writing about my characters who stay in love and going magical places that I only dream of going.
Viv and Arden are in Ireland today. I have always dreamed of going there. I would love to see the green meadows, and fields in Ireland. Thanks to The Adventures of Viv, I can travel to those places and create wonderful stories.
The online game of Second Life is still perking. I love to sit and watch avatars do what they do. It's such a wonderful place to visit. I know my favorite creators are busy working on projects. Stay tuned and I'll take pictures of some of the summer creations seen in the online game of Second Life. They are just a few things that help me....

Enjoy Life!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Let us play

It is so hot that it makes me wonder what July and August will bring. Interesting to note that even with it being so hot, we have not broken any records with the heat. It just makes me think. Years and years ago people dealt with the heat and they dealt with the heat without air conditioning. Indeed it may be hot but we really still have it much better than those that came before us.
I am still creating in my digital journal. Above is a result of my playing. I hope you enjoy it. I love creating, composing, and just being free to dream. In the online game of Second Life I have that freedom to dream. I enjoy my time there with friends that love to dream and create as much as me.
If you get the opportunity to enter that world, I would only suggest that you visit creators like Julia Hathor who are fabulous and honest creators. Just a walk around the sims will speak volumes about creative talent.
Go and you will....

Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Digital Journaling

I can't claim to be someone who "scraps" but I really love playing and journaling in photoshop. This is the result of me playing this morning. I have had a great time creating.
Playing helps me create. Playing assits me in my writing process. I make it a habit not to tell people what to do but I will suggest that you go PLAY and see what comes of it. Who knows, you might find that you....

Enjoy Life!

Monday, June 21, 2010

summer time

It's the first day of summer and oh how it feels GOOD. It also feels hot!
I just love summer and all the wonderful things it brings. The wonderful veggies and fruit we get during the summer months are just fabulous. I feel so blessed to be around the summer harvest.
Currently blueberries and corn are plentiful. I just have to come up with some simple recipes using those ingredients. Jump over to my magazine and you will see some of the simple things I cook. (Viv Magazine)
Today was hot but most of it was spent in air conditioned craft stores at the beach. Interesting to note that indeed I was at the beach all day today but never once saw the beach itself. That was just horrible:(
Anyway, I did get to go to all my favorite stores. So many ideas are going through my brain now. I can't wait to get started on the many projects I have in mind.
One project I am excited about involves sewing. I am excited to do some sewing along with crafting projects. I will take pictures to share.
In the online game of Second Life we are creating all sorts of wonderful things. I am creating short stories but the real artists continue to make lovely homes, flowers, and animations that just make me marvel. We really have some brilliant and talented people who are so kind to share. I am glad to know them.
Well, I better get back to my sewing. Stay cool and ....

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Season For Creating

Well, I am here at the lake and we are having a relaxing time. I go to sleep late and wake up late. I just LOVE vacations. It is very HOT here and it's not summer time yet. What will the weather be like this summer if we are in the 90's now? I'll think about that later.
Yesterday one of my little neighbors went hunting for minnows to go fishing. He told his mother, "I found a whole 'class' of fish over there".
They are so cute and say things that just tickle me.
I've been visiting friends in the online game of Second Life. My good friend and brilliant creator Julia Hathor has been busy creating wonderful plants recently. If you get a chance visit one of her five islands and you will be thrilled with all the wonderful creations.
I have been creating loads of cards, post cards and tags recently. I will take picture and show you. I will also put them in my Etsy shop if you would like to purchase them.
Take care and....

Enjoy Life!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Golden Friend

My Golden Friends are leaving. I was so sad to hear of the passing of Rue.

While I loved The Golden Girls show and all who made it what it was. I must admit Rue was my favorite.

I never knew any of the Golden Girls but I loved their work and I loved how it made me laugh.

The Golden Friends came into our lives and created some really wonderful golden moments of laughter when we needed it the most.

Goodbye my Golden Friend....

Lovely Weekend

What a lovely weekend I had. I spent the weekend at the lake with my family. I love these weekend and really cherish them because they are peaceful and slow.
I was able to visit friends in the online game of Second Life. It's just fun to have friends from all over the world and share experiences.
Let me share with you one thing that made my husband laugh out loud.
On the way home we stopped at a Burger King for a quick meal. My daughter and I ordered the original chicken sandwich, cut in half. Well, the lady informed us that they don't cut sandwiches in half anymore.
On the ride around to the "drive thru" window I thought about that. "I thought this was the restaurant where you could have it your way", I said to myself.
As the lady was passing us our meal I asked, "Why don't you cut sandwiches in half anymore?" She replied, " we kept cutting ourselves so we stopped."
My husband found this extremely funny. I asked him why. He said, "You have people working in a restaurant that can't cut a sandwich in half? Now that is funny."
I think it is very sad actually. I also had to rethink the "have it your way" slogan. I don't believe you can have it your way at Burger King. If you don't believe me, go and try to order a hamburger medium rare, or a whopper with avocado sauce. While that may not be my way, it might be some body's way.
Anyway it was something.
Enjoy Life!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Summer's Bounty Pergola

Today was lovely but we are in for a storm. As I write I hear the thunder rolling in and I see the rain drops from my window.
I loved spending part of my day in the online game of Second Life. I went by my favorite sim, Julia's sim, and as usual she did not fail in creating the best pergola I have ever seen in the online game.
This pergola is equipped with everything you need to enjoy those relaxing summer moments. With couches and wonderful animations included, it is a steal for 875L.
I bet this would look good on any land in the online game of Second Life, even yours. Maybe you might want to consider exchanging or upgrading that old and outdated pergola for a new and improved design. I hope you do. I bet you will....
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fishing hole

What a wonderful day to be out by the water! I love fishing, however, I didn't indulge in this wonderful hobby until I was a very grown person. I still abhor putting worms and other such creatures on the hook of my fishing pole but somehow I still claim to love fishing.
To be completely honest I think the whole act of fishing to be very prehistoric but conversely, I feel very relaxed while fishing. I have not worked those feeling out to make much sense yet but maybe some of you know what I mean.
I will go fishing today and plan to just let the pole hang from the pier. If there are any fish out there that happen upon my rod, fear not, you will be released back into the murkiness you call home to continue to....

Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Counting the days

Another grey day. They always make me want to hibernate.
Today was yet another day closer to summer break. Just wondering what I will do this summer is a cheerful thought. The possibilities are many. One thing I know I want to do is go to the beach. Oh, how I love the water. I believe that will be my first trip. Next I think I will venture to Broadway. Just to give my regards and share a smile with friends of the theatre.
I think I'll just ride out the rest of the summer with whatever comes my way. Sounds like a great plan to me.
It will all be over in two shakes. It always is. For now however, I will enjoy the moment of excitement. Could that be a smile I am wearing? Yes, I do believe it is. Find your smile and you too will....
Enjoy Life!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rainy Day

Today is a rainy day. Yesterday was a rainy day as well, however, I was able to stay in bed yesterday whereas today I had to go to work. I love sleeping on a rainy day. It is oh so easy to do. The sound of rain falling on the roof just lulls me to sleep.
Well, the reality is I had to go to work today. The great new is, I love what I do. I say that and then turn around and say, only two more weeks and it's summer break, yeah!!!!!
We all need a break, even from the things we love to do.
I have been spending a great deal of my time working, crafting and creating in the online game of Second Life. I talk to my artist friends in the online game and I love staying in touch with people who love to dream, create and play as much as I do.
This evening I will go explore a few sims and I'll report back to you. Grab a cup of coffee and I'll tell ya all about what's new in the online game of Second Life (at least the part I like to visit).
Enjoy Life!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What Kind of Fool?

It's always funny where my inspiration comes from when I write. Today the inspiration came from this song. This is an old time favorite of mine and still is as moving today as it was oh so many years ago. I have created a lovely short story today and I feel great about that. Hope you are doing great today. Always try and find something that helps you....

Enjoy Life!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Goodbye Lena

We lost another classic. She was a great deal of things to a great deal of people. She represented a type of turmoil, a battle if you will. To look as striking as she did on the outside but was someone that displeased the very people who praised her.
In one breath some would praise her beauty and talent and with the same breath ask why was she so angry.
I don't think some will ever get it but those who do, you will understand when I say, "I too Marvel".
Rest in Peace Ms. Lena Horne and thank you for sharing your gifts with those who know talent comes in all sizes, shapes, and colors.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Enchanted Secret Garden

My dear friend and excellent artist in the online game of Second Life has done it again!

Julia Hathor has created the Enchanted Secret Garden. It is absolutely beautiful. I have no idea where her inspiration comes from. I do know this virtual sight is the best garden I have seen in the online game.I love the waterfall and beautiful fish swimming around your feet as you swing from an old oak tree. There is a hammock for those romantic couple who want to sit and talk about sweet nothings.There is so much to explore in the enchanted secret garden. There are "secrets" in the secret garden. You don't want to miss this. What is wonderful about this creation as well as others Julia has made is that they are easy to put together. She has done all the hard work and left us with sheer magic. Life is wonderful so go out and....

Enjoy Life!

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Terrific Week

I had an absolutely terrific week. It is about that time again when the teaching year is winding down. Everyone is looking forward to a lovely summer holiday.
I don't have anything planned. My life works best like that. I always take a class or two in something I find interesting and relevant. In fact I started a class today.
I'm learning to sew with a serger. I first learned to sew with a regular machine while in college. I took a costume design class and it was the best thing ever. I had so much fun and I can't tell you how valuable that training was. I never learned how to use the serger and was always scared because of all the spools of thread and such.
After lesson one I know so much and I can report that I am no longer fearful of threading the serger.
Life in the online game of Second Life has been interesting too. I continue to meet people I would never meet where I live and we share experiences. I still say that the residents in the online game of Second Life are the most talented and creative people I have never seen:)
I finally had the opportunity to watch the movie Avatar. I was so impressed by many things. It is a long movie and if I am going to be honest I can't really critique it because I have not seen the whole movie. I fell asleep. It is a long movie!
Anyway, in the part of the movie I saw, the humans "link" up with an avatar and join other avatars. The similarities are extreme in comparison to the online game of Second Life and I do wonder if those involved in that nine year venture ever played the game.
I suppose I should start earlier watching the movie so I can see the whole thing. It's not a school night so maybe I can stay up.
Who am I kidding? During this school year I have gotten into a pattern. When the sun goes down, so do I. It's not a bad thing actually. I've felt really rested in the morning. With the proper rest I have been able to....
Enjoy Life

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Adventures of Baby Doll Viv

I am having so much fun with The Adventures of Baby Doll Viv.
Writing about my adventures as a child has proven to be more than fun for me and my young daughter. It has made me really appreciate a wonderful youth I had. Of course life has had its ups and downs. As one of my best friends use to say, "Trouble doesn't miss anyone", so we all have some degree of sadness and sorrow in our lives but life and me moved past it.
Maybe my stories will bring you some joy as well.
They are available in the online game of Second Life. Hope to see you there.
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fiddle dee dee

Today I had a wonderful time in the online game of Second Life. I went shopping for a wonderful dress. Some of you might recognize it. I always wanted an opportunity to say, "Fiddle dee dee".
After I purchased the dress and hat, I had to find the right tree. I'm still in pursuit of said tree and an animation that allows me to hold and shake a carrot. "I will never eat carrots again". Maybe that is not a direct quote but close:) It's the little things that help me to....

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Furniture Shop

Wow! Julia Hathor, one of the artists in the online game of Second Life has now opened a furniture shop. It is fabulous! You must go by and shop. She has made some amazing houses and now these pieces of furniture are perfect for them.
Here is the address:
Julia, you are the best Second Life has to offer! Go and you too will come to the same conclusion. It's something else that helps us all....
Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I love stories and here are a few that tickled me. Just a few seconds to....

Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I went strolling about the online game of Second Life and enjoyed the feeling of being relaxed. Among the places I visited I had to return to one of the best places Second Life has to offer and that is a sim designed and created by the best, Julia Hathor.

Recently she created these lovely baskets with butterflies. If you are in the online game, go by and see the beauty and you will....
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Puzzle Mini Album

I love making these puzzle shaped mini albums. They are loads of fun to embellish as well. If you would like one, email me at or visit my Etsy Store, Life is good so ....

Enjoy Life!

Friday, April 16, 2010

My Polly Pens

Wow! I can't tell you how much fun it is making polymer pens. I sell them and can't make them fast enough.
I am currently making a texture for my pens in the online game of Second Life. In the game I have a desk with an animation for writing. I think it would be fun to have a Second Life Polly Pen:)
If you would like a Polly Pen, just email me at
Eventually I will put a "Buy Now" button up.
They really are fun to write with and I love the different colors. Try them. It will help you....
Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Moving in a forward motion

Sonnet 116
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

---- ------------ ----------------------- -------------------

In this episode the obstacle is the love Viv shared with Chase. While Chase has not been gone a year, Viv can not move past their love. The two shared a special love and while life beckons her to move forward, her heart keeps stumbling over the love she has for Chase still. What is it that will allow Viv to move on? The week at Deer Haven Manor was just what Viv needed.
You can read this episode in the online game of Second Life.
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Escape to Deer Haven

In this episode Viv has to make a decision. Arden has put her in a position where she will have to choose for the last time.
With her mother on one side and her dearest departed husband on the other, there is very little wiggle room to make the correct decision.
She is indeed tired of being the broken hearted girl. Playing this role is played out. She does desire to move on but every time she has made the move, it has ended in disaster.
For better or worse Arden is tired of the cat and mouse game and even if Viv isn't ready to move on, he is.
Viv retreats to Deer Haven where a miracle of great magnitude occurs.
Visit the online game of Second Life and get a copy of this episode as well as others.
See you there but in meantime....

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Deer Haven

I was back in the online game of Second Life today and I had a blast!
I went to my favorite sim by Julia Hathor. I saw so many items I want. The Cherry Tree that changes with the seasons was incredible. I must have truly.
The other item is the site of my next issue of The Adventures of Viv Writer.
In this issue Viv has a late date at Deer Haven Manor.
Julia created this manor and it is not only incredible but it is the most beautiful creation. Yes, I say that about all of her creations but they continue to be the best Second Life has to offer.
Come on over to Falls/82/73/22/?title=Serenity Falls and you will be amazed.
Go and....
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bring the Easter Praise

My mother was a preacher and teacher. Yes, she was clearly a phenomenal woman.
As Easter is upon us I think about so many things not least of which is her teachings of this important and beautiful day we set aside to praise.
I hope for you an understanding of this holiday and place to celebrate and contemplate the greatness of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Peace be with you all. Because of the events of this holiday, we can ALL,

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dancing Eyes

It's me and this is a great day!
I created this wonderful collage and it will be the cover for my second spiral notebook/journal. If you would like one just email me.
In the online game of Second Life you can purchase this texture, honestly, for the same price you can copy and upload it into the the game. So do the right thing and you will ....

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

She is Crafty

Hey Everyone!

I am so happy today:) I have been having a wonderful time creating everything from cards to boxes to tags. I am still in the middle of creating my other blog entitled. "Tag You're It".
I am really enjoying the whole blog thing.
My new place to shop is Etsy! If you haven't been there you simply must and for many reasons. One reason I love Etsy is because most of the items are handmade and very creatively designed. This brings me to my second reason. The artist selling things on Etsy find creative ways to recycle items into fabulous pieces of art. The prices are wonderful and sellers and buyers are from all over the world.
Just like the online game of Second Life, I enjoy meeting and having wonderful conversations with everyone from around the world. Speaking of Second Life, my items for sale can be purchased through the online game of Second Life. So, if you are in the game, drop by my shop and order up something. It just may help you....
Enjoy Life!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Take Out Box Kit Number One

Hey Everyone!
I have these wonderful take out boxes. Inspired by the online game of Second Life.
In the game, Spring is just around the corner and everyone is excited about new things.
Artists are busy creating lovely textures and fun things to work with in the game. Such creativity has inspired and dare I say motivated me to create these "Take Out" boxes. These are small take out boxes designed for many possibilities. I used patterned card stock so they are not designed to put your Chinese delicacies in them:)
You could fill them with anything from paper clips to chocolate kisses. I don't have to tell you which I prefer:)
Anyway, this is the first kit I put together and more are to come. There are four boxes in each kit and they ship flat so you will have to put them together. They are simple to put together but if you get stuck, fell free to email me.

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

V Butterfly

I had so much fun today playing in photoshop. Here is a picture I created. Don't ask me how and what I did because I have no idea. I was playing until I stopped and this is the result:)
I like it and hope you do too.
Enjoy Life!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Pillow Box

I have had so much fun traveling around in the online game of Second Life. The sights and people are irreplaceable.
Today in rl I made a pillow box inspired by the game. I had such a great time. I can't make up my mind as to what I want to put in my pillow box. My first thought is always..... chocolate:) This time however, I want to think "outside of the box" and do something different. Ummm, let's see. Well, this might take some time to figure out. Until then ....
Enjoy Life!