Hey everyone! It has been one of those strange Mondays. What is really eerie is that I felt it coming on. I had a restless night and didn't think it would be a good day.
As I am writing this, I think, well, maybe it was not a good day for me because I didn't get a good nights rest. Hmmmm. Could be?
Anyway, it was a long day filled with problems I had to solve. I hadn't had one of these days in a while and I must say, I could do without another.
I can't say I ever really liked Mondays but I never really dreaded them either. Now, we have meetings on Mondays. That is a real drag as we work all day and and then sit down to a meeting. How fresh can your brain be?
While I am venting, I must say in the same breathe that I am still grateful to have a job that I do enjoy. I am so very happy to do a job I love to do and can do.
It's alright to vent but a reality check is also in order too.
I have really enjoyed escaping to my virtual online game, Second Life. I really enjoy my friends and love when we share stories and experiences with each other. It's a great place and I would highly suggest it to only those who can handle virtual worlds. There are many virtual worlds to choose from. Second Life was the one I was introduced to and probably the only reason I stay there is because I was first introduced to that world. Many of my friends are not only in Second Life but they are in another virtual online game called, InWorldz.
To me they are extremely similar. I have set myself up in a proper shop in Second Life and really don't feel a need to venture into other worlds right now but who knows, maybe I will feel differently later on today or tonight.
Anyway, I enjoy the whole premise of virtual worlds and the good they provide for creative artists and people who just want to talk to other people and share experiences. Now to me that is diversity!
I hope your Monday was better than mine and that you continue to....
Enjoy Life!