Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fairy Doors

I LOVE fairy doors. A co-worker introduced me to them the other day in reference to a production for school. I was soooo engaged that I began researching and creating them.
In my travels online I saw some really amazing fairy doors. I would never have thought I would.
As I get ready for the holdiday season I can't help but think about how I can alter these doors for Christmas. I think I will alter several of them and send them to dear friends.
I hope everyone is doing well and gearing up for a wonderful holiday season. If one remembers the reason for the season, all will go smoothly. One would be sure to .....

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Priority vs. Option

Someone said, "Never make someone a priority when all you are is an option to them".
What a wonderful quote. It stopped me in my tracks. I needed to hear that today.
In just a matter of seconds, that quote solved an issue that haunted me for a while. I'm not saying this for no other reason other than to share something. That something is that when you are ready to understand  something that is difficult to understand, it will be revealed to you at that time.
We can't determine what people think of us but we can determine what we think of others.
Remember the Golden Rule and try your best to live by it everyday. You will....

Enjoy Life!