Thursday, February 28, 2013

Going to the Beach

I can't wait for this weekend!
It's time to go open the beach cottage. I may be rushing things but it's time to get ready for the spring and summer.
I miss being at the beach so much and I can't wait to get there and relax.
The beach is the one place I feel most vibrant.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Stoney End

This is probably one of my most favorite songs. I love the versions sung by Barbara Streisand and if the truth be told, I have no idea what it is about.
I do have several ideas but my ideas don't seem to have a central theme. The song then becomes, random. It's a random song that I love and have loved since I was very young.
I recently saw a video where Barbara didn't seem to know what the song was about either. I don't feel so bad now.
Lines like, "My poor mother worked the mines". Really? That is a stoney end.
"Cradle me. Mama, cradle me again." Ummm, that is a nice, comforting thought but with her in the mines and all, probably not likely.
Then there is the title, "Stoney End". Not to be confused with the "pointy end". Ummm, again I come up with maybe rocks on a road. Maybe someone is lost and really wants to start the journey again?
Wait a tick, drugs! That's it! They are on drugs and want to turn their life around. No wait. The cradle me part leads me to believe they want to start all over again. Oh, wait, not so impossible. They can be reborn on the other end. The not so stoney end.
Okay, I'm done. I feel like I am on the stoney end writing this. 
It's a great song. It helps me to....

Enjoy Life!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Never say goodbye

I am one of those people who struggles with what to get for the special people in your life.
Yesterday was Valentine's Day. It happens to be one of my favorites as special days go.
Not only because of the chocolates but because I get to show my husband how much I love him.
As many years as we have been together, we are truly in love and enjoy each other.
Getting him a special present is still an issue I must admit. This year I decided to give him yet another song. He really enjoyed it.
The song is the theme song for a movie entitled, "The Promise". We decided we would watch the movie as well. It is a great romantic story so I enjoyed it.
What was very interesting was that as I was recording this song for my husband, he came home and you can hear him at the end of the song say, "I'm home".  He's such a wonderful husband. He is the reason I .......

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My Uncle Earl

I am very proud of my family. We are a very musical family and passionate about it.
My uncle was a gifted soul and from an early age he found his gift and was very keen on using it.
Still in his teens he sang with professional groups, The Crystals,  and The Cadillacs. with his mothers permission.
He sang the song entitled, "I Feel So Bad". This song was later purchased by Elvis Presley and he recorded it.
He wrote many songs. Before he died, he and the group was able to record a Subaru commercial. Maybe you have seen it. You must tell me if you have.
My Uncle Earl was a great man in my eyes and I will always be proud of him and his great talent.

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gift for my YouTube Friend in the UK

Loving the Choices you Give

I had the best time yesterday. I just had to hop on my blog and talk about it.
We don't have a Trader Joe's in my area. Very unfortunate, I know, but it is what it is. I won't even go there with how I feel about the people who make those decisions.

The first time I was able to go to Trader Joe's was in Washington D.C. I had a fabulous time but I had to stop and say, "How does one have a fabulous time in a grocery store?" Well, I must say it is possible. The people, the lovely choices, choices, choices made for a great experience doing what many people dread to do. I love changing things up, it's a personality flaw, I'm sure. Trader Joe's had so many items that I have not tried before. I look forward to trying everything.

On some level, I'm sure it reminds me of my youth. As a young person I was fortunate to grow up with so many different cultures. All sorts of cultural foods were there, around me for the trying. Where I am now... well, I don't want to sound negative because I do love (this cultural vacuum) where I live but there are not the choices one deserves. People here grew up happy with the same choices they will die happy with. It's unfortunate commentary but what is really sad is they have know idea how sad it is. I suppose ignorance is BLISS.

Anyway, life was good yesterday. While I can always hop in my car and drive miles and miles to  a place where people embrace choices, the reality is, it's not always possible.

Trader Joe's is a wonderful store, I really am glad you are out there. While I doubt the powers that be will ever allow you to exist in my area, I have faith some of the people in this area will take the opportunity to venture out and see the lovely items you offer.
I have always thought the close-minded, with the power and money are more dangerous than anyone.

Oh how I love choices. They help me......

Enjoy Life!!!!