Sunday, February 8, 2009


Yesterday was a terrific day. I was able to write and continue my line of short stories. It's been a slow process at times but I appreciate not being under the pressure to spit out a story under some timeline. I write a little and sleep a little. It's the best combination for my weekends.
During my time in Second Life yesterday I came upon the avatar you see above. Striking was all I could think. There have been many avatars that I thought were striking. From the skin and shape of an avatar to the clothing the avatar chooses for themselves. I thought he was well put together. I asked if I could take a picture because I wanted to put the picture on my blog so you can see what I saw. When it was time to part ways, I said, "Peace". He replied, "Peace my sister".
That's what we all need..... Peace.
Enjoy Life!

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