Friday, July 31, 2009

Lazy Hazy Days

Yes, I'm loving it! The more simple my life becomes the easier it is to live. Simple living is the answer. It's the way I...

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Off to the Flea Market To Find Cast Iron Pots

Today was a great day! We had an early breakfast and then drove about 40 miles to a flea market. Along the way we saw all sorts of vegetables growing. Corn is doing great and so is soy beans. Other crops seem to be having a great season too. Let's see, the tobacco was plentiful around this area and the turf farms are as green as ever. I also noticed trees were a very popular commodity as well. I wonder when they are going to pick those?

Now, this was no ordinary flea market we went to today. This flea market had everything you could imagine, even animals. Growing up in New York, I went to my share of flea markets on Saturday mornings. They were a fun and inexpensive way to get toys and such. So when I entered this fleas market, I didn't go in as a novice, or so I thought. I would be proven wrong, quickly.

As I entered, I heard the sounds of vendors haggling over prices and neighbors catching up with each other. Suddenly, I heard a rooster. It was loud and clear. I looked up in surprise but no one else shared my surprise. The people around me went on as usual. So, I pretended like roosters crowing was normal for me too. Then I heard a loud noise. It was so loud it shook the ground. I thought for a second that the earth was shaking. Was it a stampede? Yes, well sort of, it was the pigs being unloaded from a huge truck. It was all so incredible but others around me seemed to think it the norm. All I could say was, "Really"?

This particular flea market had its humble beginnings as a stock market. Eat your heart out Wall Street. Anyway, this is where people would come to purchase live stock. Slowly the merchants began to trade things. Well, one thing led to another and it grew to something really big. Vendors, vendors, everywhere, as far as the eye could see. All willing to make you a great deal on wares that are sometimes just shy of being, new.

I love the camaraderie found at this flea market. It's also a wonderful place to walk and see lovely sights. As I get older, I feel like I am walking down memory lane as I pass tables and tables of what they say are antique goods, but were objects I recall growing up. Surely, they can't be antiques because that would mean, well, I won't finish that sentence.

Now, I am going to tell you something. I use to think flea markets were filled with other peoples junk, and it is, but sometimes I find other peoples junk exciting. If you can't use it anymore maybe someone else can, seems to be the overall motto of flea markets. It's true, another persons junk may be your new treasure. Maybe you will go to a flea market in your area and...

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wagon Wheel Bed

I had a lovely day today. I am going to share a couple of snaps of a place I went today that made me smile. I went to Lands/33/99/25/?title=Native Lands. You don't see a wagon wheel bed everyday, at least I don't. I thought that was creative. I loved the quilt on the wagon wheel bed too. I love the artists in the online game of Second Life. They are all so very creative.

Visiting the different communities makes me smile and ...

Enjoy Life!

Monday, July 27, 2009

So Darling...

Well, I had another wonderful adventure. I visited Twisted Thorn Treasures- Antiques and Furniture Textures. There are loads of lovely furniture and textures found here. I especially love the colors available.

What I think you will enjoy about the furniture I saw today are the sit positions. There is one piece of furniture that offers 18 sitting positions. It was amazing! Now that's what I call choices.
I also appreciated how French the pieces looked. The furniture pieces even have lovely French names.

I hope you go and ....

Enjoy Life!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just Reading

Today I am sitting around reading. I love to read. I don't always get the opportunity to read things I like. I am often times asked to read this or that but today I am reading what I want.
I love books and it's hard for me to put it down if it's a mystery. I crave magazines. It's wonderful to catch up with what's going on in places I've never seen or been to. It makes me feel like I'm in touch somehow.
I don't care much for newspapers. Often times they are not organized well enough for me. I don't like when the newspaper article starts on page 2b and continues somewhere else in the paper and you have to go look for it. You have to pass articles you haven't read yet, which I always have to stop and take a look at. Then I forget about the article I started on page 2b! That is just a pet peeve of mine.
Today I'm enjoying craft magazines. They cost more than what I would like to spend on a magazine. I mean, it's a magazine not a collectible. The ones I enjoy are jam packed with "how to's" and great informative articles.
Well, my tea is ready so I'm off to enjoy my reading time. Go grab a book and...

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Grab it and Growl

What in the world does it mean? Grab it and Growl. Someone said that to me and I'm still trying to work it out. Help me out. Let me know.
I'll just stand and ponder that. Maybe they said, "Grab root and growl". I know I heard "grab" and "growl". Doesn't sound friendly does it?

Oh My Teddy Bears

We are packed and ready to go. Can't go far without my little bears. I am such a big kid.... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm traveling

And So It Goes

I Love this chair. Live Simply

The thought for today is 'Let things go'. I was talking to some of my friends in the online game of Second Life and we all agree. Life is too short to worry about people and things that don't matter in the big picture so let it go.
Life is about change and if you don't understand that concept it's going to be rough until you do understand it.
Grab a chair, have a seat, and think positive thoughts. Life will begin to get better and you will....

Enjoy Life!

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and ....

I went to a lovely reading tonight. It was called, A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy. I enjoy a good story and this one was good. It was well performed too. Caledonia Skytower read the story while she enjoyed the swing. This event took place on a sim called, West of Ireland Library and Cultural Center. It is a wonderful place to visit and I enjoy the variety of events. Maybe I will see you there one evening.
I made some fresh ice cream this evening for my family. We sat outside and listened to the story and ate our version of Cherry Garcia ice cream. I love these summer nights.

Enjoy Life!

Robin Egg

Back Scratcher

Today I took my daughter to the dermatologist. During our visit, where we spent more time in the waiting room than with the doctor, I found out something interesting about my daughters doctor. He holds the Guinness World Record for "Back Scratchers". He has more than 675 back scratchers from all over the world (pictured above is only a few of them). Umm, who needs that many back scratchers? It was an interesting tidbit of information and there is a poster in the hallway of his office making it all official. It was a fun thing.
I wonder if my friends in the online game of Second Life have created back scratchers. I bet there could be a wonderful animation for that one. I'll find out and let you know.
Guess what my next magazine article will cover? If you guessed back scratchers then you guessed correctly. Look for the article in a magazine coming soon.

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mouse World

I can't believe where I went today. It was the next best thing to being there. I went to the Second Life version of Disney World. It is called Mouse World. I didn't get to everything but I can't wait to go back and see more.
I entered Mouse World and landed next to the Monorails. I walked a little ways and received my Mickey Ears at the City Hall. I continued walking down the the city street filled with festive shops and I got a bunch of balloons.
Then what did my wondering eyes see? Yes, it was their version of Magic Kingdom. I couldn't believe it. It was lovely and as magical in Second Life as it is in Real Life.
I went to Disney World in Real Life many years ago and stayed for a week. We were meant to visit all of the parks but on my insistence we explored Magic Kingdom everyday that week. I still don't think we saw everything.
Mouse World has their version of The Carousel of Progress. I really enjoyed seeing that again. The production has been running for many years now.
Well, that was all I saw today but I hope to go back to Mouse World and see more soon. I hear the Haunted Mansion is a must see. I must say to all who were involved in creating Mouse World, thank you! I'm glad I went to that happy place.

Enjoy Life!

The Sewing Table

I LOVE the sewing table I purchased yesterday. It is all of that and a slice of cake. I really am enjoying the way it looks. I know it may not "go" with my studio but I enjoy playing on it. The sewing machine has an animation and it has sound. It is so cute the way one foot moves like it is pushing the pedal, the other leg is moving too and the arms and hands are pushing the material through. My body really does move like that when I sew. I thought there was a great deal of work put into that animation. Bree Giffen did a fabulous job on this creative sewing set.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I went to a lovely shop today. It is called The Home Store. The address is:
I was like a kid in a candy shop. There was so much to see and I wanted it all. From the quilted beds and jelly cabinet with the screened doors to the blanket chest with folded quilts. I loved it all. I was happy to see many of the items because I once had similar items in my inventory but no longer had. It gave me a chance to have them again. I did purchase many of those same items again. Having them makes me smile the way the other did too. I do enjoy looking at them so.
Kaye Robbiani is the creator of the touching artwork. I hope you go by and see objects that make you feel like you are Home Sweet Home.

Enjoy Life!

Off again...

This time, I'm off to...

Well, I packed my bags and headed out on the online game of, Second Life. I found this wonderful rustic place today. A wonderful artist, Grace Loudon, creates wonderful rustic artwork. She is a content creator and has been in Second Life since 2005.
You can guess which area was my favorite. If you guessed the kitchen, you win the coffee bean. The kitchen was my favorite place. I love kitchen gadgets, pots, plates, and anything "kitchen".
The first wonderful animation Grace has in the kitchen is "kneading the bread". I loved it! The animation included getting flour, tossing it on the dough, and kneading it. It was clever. Other animations included "using the cutting board" and "stirring a pot of soup". I simply loved the kitchen.
There are other areas in her shop and many other creations to enjoy but because I like to write, I enjoyed the scribes desk and quill. Very rustic but hence the name, Rustic Valley.
Maybe you will get a chance to visit this fabulous shop and...

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Reading, a reading...

I am currently at a lovely reading tonight. The reading is on a sim called, West of Ireland. Shandon Loring (Irish at Heart) is giving a wonderful performance. He has a wonderful accent, very pleasant to listen to. He is reading Angel of the Odd and The Gold Bug.
The sim takes donations for a specific charity which I think is wonderful. They have loads of daily and weekly events. It's all very exciting. You might want to drop by and get a calendar of events.
Well, I simply must get back to Shandon. Maybe you will join me there.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pump your brakes

I had one of those days when I just wanted to sit still. (Yeah, I did go back on the boat but this time I took some motion sickness medicine first and that has nothing to do with my sitting still today) So much happens to me when I sit still. When I get too busy, my thoughts and ideas come so fast that I don't take the time to think them through. Today I sat still and thought some ideas through. It feels great to slow it down. Sometimes you just have to pump your brakes, slow your roll, and ....Be Still.

Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

umeme Serevi

Thanks umeme:)

What an adventure I had today. I went to the gallery of umeme Serevi. The artwork was absolutely fabulous. He takes pictures of avatars and does a wonderful job with them. His prices are reasonable and well worth what you get.
If you get the opportunity, I hope you will go to his gallery:

Guess Where I went?

Guess where I went today? Give up? Well, I'll tell ya. I went to SLiteray Art and Writing Gallery. It was absolutely gorgeous. You have just gotta go.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wicker Chairs

Today in the online game of Second Life I went shopping and found wicker chairs at the Wicker Shoppe. There was all sorts of colors and sit positions for ladies and gentlemen. There is so much to choose from so I will continue looking until I find just the right furniture set for my book. I'm enjoying the journey there.

Enjoy Life!


I love country music. I heard this song and it really made me smile for several reasons but mainly because I love Chris Cagle's voice.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Smellie What?

On my many travels in the online game of Second Life and in Real Life, I always manage to find things that make me smile.
Recently, I was driving around looking for unique shops and I ran into one that made me smile. The name of the store is called, "Smellie Bloomers". I thought what an odd name for a store. The store was gorgeous on the outside but it was closed so I couldn't find out what kinds of items they were selling. I simply loved the chairs on the porch of the store.
As I left the store, I noticed a van parked next to the store. On the back of the van it said,"Follow me to Smellie Bloomers". I wondered how many people actually did.
It dawned on me then that they probably sell FLOWERS. What a great name for a flower shop. Maybe one day I will visit and purchase some wonderful Smellie Bloomers.

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Second Life Flea Markets

I had such a lovely time shopping at the flea market this past week that I went on Second Life and did a search for flea markets. Many results came up and I had the opportunity to visit several of the flea markets in the online game of Second Life. I did not make it to all of them but I really enjoyed the great prices at the flea markets.
I loved the shopping basket. I hope you go and...

Enjoy Life!