Monday, July 20, 2009

Back Scratcher

Today I took my daughter to the dermatologist. During our visit, where we spent more time in the waiting room than with the doctor, I found out something interesting about my daughters doctor. He holds the Guinness World Record for "Back Scratchers". He has more than 675 back scratchers from all over the world (pictured above is only a few of them). Umm, who needs that many back scratchers? It was an interesting tidbit of information and there is a poster in the hallway of his office making it all official. It was a fun thing.
I wonder if my friends in the online game of Second Life have created back scratchers. I bet there could be a wonderful animation for that one. I'll find out and let you know.
Guess what my next magazine article will cover? If you guessed back scratchers then you guessed correctly. Look for the article in a magazine coming soon.

Enjoy Life!

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