Sunday, December 6, 2009

Piece of Peace

What a creative day I've had today. I guess I can't really call it work because I just had too much for to call it that. I went "BOXES". I learned how it make all sorts of boxes.
I think it's really funny that I enjoy creating cards. I don't send out cards. I can't even tell you how much a stamp is. I love creating cards and giving them to people who will actually use them.
So, I continued working on my cards and now I've added bookmarks. I love these bookmarks because I had to go shopping for all the charms. What's funny is I picked the drama and comedy masks. Out of all of the lovely charms, I picked the theatre masks. Go figure.
I also picked a fairy charm. I thought of my dear friend from the online game of Second Life. I hope you enjoy my pictures and ....

Enjoy Life!

1 comment:

Viv Writer said...

Thanks SNOWMANLOVER. You are kind to stop by and say that:)